Television Bankruptcy

I am declaring myself bankrupt on consumption of new media.

In particular I've declared television bankruptcy. Heard of some amazing new show? I don't care anymore. My ears are shut.

It also means that I can't ask anyone else to avoid "spoilers" on anything. I just assume up front that if I haven't watched it yet I may never watch it: even if it's a new seasion of show I love. Spoil away. I'm a TV bankrupt, I can't take any new loans against future viewings.

On the plus side, this frees me up to read about stuff on wikipedia in advance of seeing it though... some things I think I enjoy reading about more than actually watching, for example, critically acclaimed films from before the 1980s... often boring to watch, but interesting to learn about. (Putney Swope in particular springs to mind)

Same for books. I have a short amount of time each night (Min: 0, Max: 20, Mean: 3, Unit: minutes) to do any reading. I need to find really choice material that will hold my attention for possibly months on end. I'm still working on deciding what to put into this gap.

Mostly for the last year or two I've been reading a steady diet of Sci-Fi. But it's hard to find anything good enough when the diet is so limited. I'm now in the category of "If you only read 1 book this year... make sure it's...${this_book}"

Book suggestions welcome. (Spoilers about television shows are also permitted.)


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